Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Therapy Support Groups

Group therapy is a specific type of therapy that involves working with several people at the same time. Groups can be as small as 3 people, but are usually around 6-10 people. Groups usually meet once per week.
In the first session, it starts off with going around and having each person introduce themselves and tell just a bit about why they are there. Then in following sessions, this would only be repeated if a new person has joined the group. If a new person has not joined, then individuals are encouraged to share what had come up for them during the week and what they may have experienced since the last meeting. 
There are many valuable benefits from a group situation: hope, commonality, community, education, and safety just to name a few. And with the offerings of support and guidance from other group members, individuals are better able to understand self-responsibilities and choices. 

 Click on the link below for more information on the groups that are currently forming.
I have 3 Therapy Support Groups: Divorce/Breakup, Exploring Orientation, Addiction/Substance Abuse.
Group Therapy @ Hope Psychology

In Veritas Libertas

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